Tuesday, July 18, 2006


Last night, we had a blast. It was my friend's son's birthday. Alex is now 15. A group of neighbours met at my house for cake.

Emma always gets excited around a birthday cake. She really likes to blow on the candles. So I was expecting her to do that same little dance she usually does and try real hard to get the best spot in front of the cake.

To everyone's surprise, Emma started to sing HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU all by herself. She went to everyone making them sing along while swaying left and right. I was so proud of her; she is just like her mother and grandmother (no voice whatsoever...)

She must have sang it 12 times to Alex (Koki she calls him). It was like he had his own little Marilyn Munroe...

Alex's mom, who went through breast cancer, says Emma is her best therapy!!!

During moments like these (and there are so many), I can't help but wonder how our lives would be if 5 years ago I would have opted for testings and abortion...



Blogger Shelley said...

Hi Camille! The twins and I would love to hear more about Emma if you have the time - you have been 'tagged' for a wee questionaire. Check out the Shamptons for more info.

3:29 AM  

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